Consumer research

Taking into consideration the fact that customers’ preferences are constantly changing, Magenta Consulting insists on the realization of periodical studies concerning consumers’ behavior in order to anticipate these changes and to adapt the products/services to new demands.

In order to determine the level of consumers’ satisfaction after the sale, our company carries out studies on consumers’ satisfaction. These studies help to determine the reasons that have caused the selection of a specific product/service, to measure the importance of every criterion which influences their choice, to identify consumers’ expectations concerning the product vs. the level of satisfaction after using it.

In order to sketch the buyer’s profile, Magenta carries out studies of consumers’ behavior, which point out the customers’ life style, the way they think, analyze and choose among different alternatives and also, how do they use the product/service they purchased. We analyze the motivational and perceptional factors and offer solutions referring to how these factors can be used to attract more buyers.

Through market segmentation studies and determination of demographic and psychological characteristics of consumers, we group actual and potential clients on the basis of analysis of their life style, attitudes, social values, as well as demographical and socio-economic characteristics.